Who are the courses for?

This is part of our help section for the Parenting for Faith course.

The Parenting for Faith course is a video-based resource for communities to use with parents, godparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, foster parents, children’s and youth leaders, church leaders and family friends – in fact, anyone who wants to support a child or teen (of any age) in their spiritual development!

While this course is entitled ‘Parenting for Faith’, it is designed for anyone who influences children and teens.

Often over half the people attending a course are uncles, aunts, grandparents, godparents, couples who have yet to have children, children’s leaders, foster parents and congregation members who want to do more for the children and teens in their church.

There is no age limit for the children whom participants want to influence – we firmly believe that it’s never too early or too late to start parenting for faith.

The Parenting for Faith team have run courses where attendees have ranged from parents who only have a baby bump to parents of a 40-year-old.