If there’s a question we’ve not answered, do get in touch, we’d love to help.

Who are the courses for? – for individuals and communities and everyone with children and teenagers in their lives. You can watch the videos on your own, with a friend or partner or a whole group.

How do I use the sessions? –please do use the course as works best for you and your community. Here are some examples of churches who have used the course material in different ways.

Can I attend a course already running near me? – where leaders have said their course is open to others, you can find details here.

Using the course videos – explains the different ways we can supply the course videos, either streaming from our website or downloaded.

Promoting your course – download our promotional video to share with your church, and flyers that you can use to let people know when and where your course will be taking place.

Leader’s and Participant’s Handbooks – the Leader’s Handbook and Participant’s Handbook for all courses will give you all the information you need to lead an effective course. You can also buy hard copies here.

Adapting the course to your context – helping you think through team, planning, how it works on the night and helping participants

What can I do with downloaded course videos? – find out what you’re allowed to do with course videos. Do get in touch if you have any questions.

Do I need to register my course? – Yes please! It is vital that you tell us about your course. This allows us to support you and pray for you but also get feedback on how you are finding using the course and show the impact of the courses to funders.




Question mark image © Veronique Debord-Lazaro licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 / cropped and blurred