Our approach

Our goal is to resource and equip parents and carers to confidently parent for faith in the midst of the mundane, everyday bits of parenthood. The bits when we’re ferrying the children back and forth between activities, sitting on the bathroom floor potty training our toddlers or hugging our teenager as they go off to an exam. These are the modern day versions of the opportunities to share faith that Moses describes in Deuteronomy 6:4-9.

The joy of parenting is that we are present in those moments to show them what a life with God looks like in the ups and downs of everyday life.

The everyday, not adding more activities

Helping kids and teenagers connect with God is all about the everyday moments, not adding more activities to our already hectic lives.

Through our resources and events, we equip everyone to feel confident to weave discipleship into the everyday, so God-connection happens whatever else is going on.

The first session of the Parenting for Faith coursePositioned for influence – picks up this theme.

There’s no one right way to helps kids and teens meet and know God

Every child and family is unique, as is every church. We don’t offer a ‘right way’ of helping kids and teens meet and know God. Rather, we want to help every parent, carer, extended family and church to go on a journey of finding their next step and what works best for them.

That’s why you will find a range of voices, opinions and experiences here. Whatever your churchmanship, background or approach, you will find content to inspire, encourage and challenge you.

Parents and carers are the experts in their own children

Because we believe that parents and carers are the experts in their own children, we have gathered personal stories of what this looks like, on the ground, in different people’s homes and churches. We hope this sparks ideas for you but please don’t feel you have to do things the same way as they do. Find what is right for you and your family, even if it looks very different from others.


Parenting for Faith is shaped by you

We’d love you to get in touch, whether it be about how the website is working or a topic you’d like us to explore. You can also send in stories and questions for the podcast.

You can get in touch on Facebook, X, Instagram or through the website with anything you want to talk about.

Get in touch


All done © John Morgan licensed under CC 2.0 / cropped; Morning © Natasha Mileshina licensed under CC 2.0 / cropped; Always with you © Craig Sunter licensed under CC 2.0 / cropped, darkened and blurred