Types of training

Back to events and training

The Parenting for Faith team are available to lead different kinds of events. You can see our most popular options below, but if you can’t see what you’re looking for get in touch and we’ll do our best to design something suitable for your context.

Who is your event for?

What does it cost?

Costs vary depending on the length of your event and the distance the speaker has to travel and can be found on our bookings page.

Book a speaker

We never want cost to be something that stops you, so under each category you’ll also find a link to an alternative option, which you can access for free via our website.

Parents and carers’ events

We can come and run an event for you, people often request an evening, Saturday morning or a seminar as part of a larger event. Our most popular options are an overview of the five Key Tools or age-specific sessions e.g. Parenting for Faith for under-fives or teens.

Book an event for parents and carers

Alternative option

If you haven’t already, the best way that you can encourage and equip parents and carers is by running the Parenting for Faith course. These eight video-based sessions can be run as a weekly course, weekend away or day event. Just follow these five simple steps. If you’d like any help or advice, feel free to get in touch. You can also join the next original Parenting for Faith course, babies and toddlers course or teens course hosted by the PFF team on zoom.

Explore running a Parenting for Faith course


Church team training

We can come and run a training event for your team, to equip them with tools and skills to use in children’s and youth work and as they engage with parents and carers. Our most popular options are Chat and Catch (prayer), Prayer ministry with children or using the five Key Tools in children’s and youth work. We can also offer training for specific age groups.

Book a church team training event

Alternative option

We have a whole section of our website dedicated to training your team. You could run your own event using these videos and email links out to anyone who can’t attend.

Explore team training videos and articles


Children’s, youth and family leaders’ training

Anyone working with children and youth will have discovered how crucial it is to work with the parents as well, but it can be hard to communicate and engage well if we don’t have the right tools to offer them. This half-day training is suitable for any gathering of children’s, youth and families workers and key volunteers such as a diocesan gathering or regional meet-up. It will introduce them to the key tools of Parenting for Faith and show them how to get the most out of them, in their context.


To equip them to help the parents and carers in their church to feel confident to spiritually disciple their children and give them the tools to do this.


£200 + travel + expenses

Example timetable (can run as a morning, afternoon or evening)

  • 9.30–10.00 am Arrival and refreshments
  • 10.00–10.50 am The role of parents and how we can equip them
  • 10.50–11.10 am Overview of the five key tools of Parenting for Faith Part 1: Creating windows and Framing
  • 11.10–11.30 am Break
  • 11.30 am–12.00 pm Overview of the five key tools of Parenting for Faith Part 2: Unwinding, Chat and Catch and Surfing the Waves
  • 12.00–12.30 pm How to run a course, Q and A and prayer

Book a children’s, youth and family leaders’ training event

Alternative option

We also offer a free video session, with training and ideas for children’s, youth and family leaders along with pauses for discussion questions. It is suitable for an hour-long seminar at a conference or as a discussion starter for a group.

Video training for children’s, youth and family leaders


Parenting as a Church Leader training days

Being a church leader affects every part of our lives, including our children. We all want to be good parents and good leaders, seeing our children flourish spiritually and emotionally – but how can we do that well? Parenting as a church leader requires unique skills and choices, and it can feel like a lonely journey.


To gather church leaders together to be encouraged and equipped on issues particular to parenting their own children in the context of church leadership.


£350 + travel + expenses

Options: You can keep your event private and use it just to resource the leaders in your network or make it public. If making it public, you are responsible for taking bookings and payment (if required).

Example timetable

  • 9.30–10.00 am   Arrival and refreshments
  • 10.00–11.00 am Session one: Sustaining connection: finding ways to stay connected with your kids in the chaos of juggling leadership roles and parental responsibilities
  • 11.00–11.15 am Break
  • 11.15 am–12.15 pm Session two: Affirming their value: how to negotiate the church vs family tug of war well and ensure your kids know they are important to you even at the busiest of times
  • 12.15 pm–12.45 pm Lunch
  • 12.45–1.45 pm Session three: Finding ourselves: exploring how to be a family in the goldfish bowl of church
  • 1.45–2.00 pm Break
  • 2.00–3.00 pm Session four: Empowered: empowering your kids to spiritually flourish in their connection with God at home and at church.

Book a Parenting as a Church Leader day

Alternative option

You can run a Parenting as Church Leader event yourself using the course videos and leader guides. You can also join the next Parenting as a Church Leader day run on zoom by the Parenting for Faith team.