Training videos for leaders and volunteers
We have recorded five team training videos (10 – 15 mins) with a leader’s guide and participant’s handout specifically designed to be used to upskill and promote discussion amongst a group of volunteers. Please feel free to use them with your teams.
Over the years, the Parenting for Faith team has also led and hosted a vast number of free online events for children’s, youth and family leaders. Below, you can find recordings of some of the most popular ones. You can view all the previous Lunch with Leaders Facebook Live events on our Facebook page. Feel free to share with your team and/or use in your own live team training events.
Working with others
- Dealing with people who don’t like what you’re doing
- Sharing parents and kids across children’s and youth ministry
- Working with families with babies and toddlers
- Working with fringe families
- Supporting families under stress
- Equipping parents to have great conversations with their kids about growing up
- Tackling big questions from parents
- Supporting families who have experienced trauma
- Working with grandparents
- Rebuilding and re-imagining team (filmed in the context of Covid lockdowns, but much is still relevant)
- Having productive conversations with leaders
- Teaching Parenting for Faith to your team
- Parenting for Faith in church with under fives and parents
- Babies and toddlers and connecting to God
- Strategic curriculum planning
- Out of ideas?
- Adapting resources and courses for your context
- How to leave well
- Training and development: finding your next steps
- Loneliness as a Leader
- In it for the long haul
- The fruit you’ll never know – an explanation of the five Parenting for Faith key tools
- Using the five Key Tools or the Parenting for Faith course with young families
Practical skills
- Helping children and young people connect with God in church groups
- Discipline in children’s and youth ministry
- Relating well in a multicultural world
- Talking sex and relationships in children’s ministry
- Springboard resources
- Preparing for spiritually significant moments
- Intergenerational worship
- Supporting adoptive and fostering families
- Praying with kids and teens
- Prayer Ministry for Children – Leaders Training for Churches Part 1: The Model
- Prayer Ministry for Children – Leaders Training for Churches Part 2: Additional training
- Prayer Ministry for Children – Leaders Training for Churches Part 3: Establishing Chat and Catch in kids groups