Responding to Covid-19

Here at Parenting for Faith, we want to help equip you and answer some of the questions that we’re getting in these unusual times. We will keep posting articles here that we hope and pray will support you well as we journey through this together.

You can also find out how to run a Parenting for Faith course online or encourage individuals to view the course sessions at home on their own or with their partner.

Download Tools to Try Today     Download Me, God and Covid-19 journal

Death and grief

11 Sep 2020
How can we prepare ourselves to help our children and young people if someone they know becomes very ill or dies?

Bible stories for strange times

19 May 2020
In a recent episode of the Parenting for Faith podcast, Rachel Turner gave some wise advice on how to help children and young people find solid truth and wisdom in the Bible to help them navigate the coronavirus pandemic well, whatever they are feeling.