Primary age

Stories and ideas about parenting children of primary age for faith, including issues around friendship and school.

Helping kids engage with God at Christmas

15 Nov 2024
Helping our kids engage well with Christmas can feel challenging. Amongst the excitement and parties and presents, we want our kids to engage with God at Christmas, connecting with him, and going deeper than a story about a cute baby.

Talking to kids about decision making

22 Jun 2023
Children make decisions from a very young age - about what toy to play with, what to eat first and so on. But as they get older, and their decisions start to have more of a long-term impact, how can we as parents and carers help them to make wise choices?

Supporting kids and teens with exams and tests

24 Apr 2023
Throughout their lives, our children and teens will be measured, marked and tested over and over again. Spelling tests, sports days, swimming badges, music exams, SATs, GCSEs, A-levels, driving tests. The list goes on.

Image by Ron Porter from Pixabay