
Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God, and can take many forms: personal and private, corporate, intercession, thanksgiving … and the list goes on! In Parenting for Faith we encourage parents and carers to introduce prayer to their children as ‘chat and catch’  (one of our five key tools) which is best described as an informal, one to one conversation with God, and if you’d like to know more about that, we have a much fuller introduction here. In this section you’ll find a whole range of articles on prayer, to help you explore how you and your family connect best with God as you pray.

Asking for help and what you need

16 Jun 2023
The Bible tells us to ask whatever we want of God in prayer "and it will be given to you". But as parents, we're often so busy providing for others' needs that we forget that God wants to provide for our own!

Messing up but not giving up

16 Jun 2023
As parents, we will often find ourselves clearing up our children's messes. But we'll also likely make a few of our own! What does God say to us when we mess up?

Girl lying down © Cheryl Holt licensed under CC0 / Cropped & Scaled