Navigating the world
We live in a world which doesn’t share all of our values and beliefs. As we parent our children for faith, they can sometimes find themselves struggling with seeing how they fit into the world or they may find themselves isolated as they try to stay true to what they believe. As parents and carers our role is to help our children understand these conflicts and equip them to live well in a world that may not agree with them. In this topic you’ll find ideas about what that might look like for your kids and in your family.
21 Nov 2023
Today's parents are all too aware of the easy availability of pornography. How do we start and maintain healthy conversations with our children and teens around this area, and what do we do if and when our children have an encounter with porn?
24 Oct 2023
Through current affairs and social media, we are becoming more aware than ever of the presence of institutional racism in various sectors of society. How can we parent for faith in a way that raises our children to be godly allies in the fight against racism?
03 Oct 2023
We are living in an age where most of our children will receive a smartphone while they're still living with us. How can we navigate this transition safely and successfully?
03 Aug 2023
Free video training for parents/carers, taken from a Facebook Live, featuring special guest Joanna Adeyinka-Burford.
02 Aug 2023
Children love to join in with what their parent is doing (even when that's not always very helpful!). We can learn from them in our relationship with God. He is at work in the world doing amazing things - and invites us to join in!
22 Jun 2023
Children make decisions from a very young age - about what toy to play with, what to eat first and so on. But as they get older, and their decisions start to have more of a long-term impact, how can we as parents and carers help them to make wise choices?