Being God’s Child: A Parent’s Guide
An exploration of ten different ways in which parents can learn or re-learn how to connect with God as his child, written by Parenting for Faith’s ministry lead Anna Hawken.
God makes us the most unbelievable offer… to be our parent. Yes, even when we’re all grown up and have children of our own! But many of us don’t live experiencing the connection, guidance and support that’s on offer. Why? Because we’ve forgotten how to be a child.
In this easy-to-read guide, Anna Hawken explores ten different ways to rediscover our ‘child side’. She uses the living, breathing examples of the children in our lives to inspire and challenge us, by looking at things that we sometimes struggle with but they are great at, like:
• asking lots of questions
• messing up without giving up
• sharing their emotions
• asking for help and what they need
Read it on your own or with others, using the individual reflections, questions and small group notes to guide you. These simple ideas will help even the busiest parent to draw closer to God.
Who is it for?
- Christian parents, with a particular focus on those who are new to faith, exploring, or who feel their faith journey has changed significantly since becoming a parent
- Parents who attend Messy Church
- Parents who have come to church through bringing their child for infant baptism
- Church leaders, children’s and family workers and toddler group leaders

Listen to Anna read an excerpt from Being God’s Child.
Sample pages – coming soon!
‘This is my kind of book… because it doesn’t feel like a book! I am just like the parents Anna describes, too busy juggling children, home, work and… life, to read a book. Being God’s Child reads more like a conversation you might have with a friend in a coffee shop or over a kitchen table. Anna invites us onto a journey. The invitation is to discover what it means for us to be God’s children whilst we are on the parenting journey ourselves and to use daily parenting life as a prompt to explore being parented by God. Being God’s Child is a “pick and mix”, with ideas rather than chapters so you can dip into whatever is helpful. Bible references are cleverly weaved in and explained so that someone with no knowledge of the Bible would understand. These thoughts lead to questions to mull over and then practical, really do-able suggestions so that we can put ideas into practice in daily life. After the ten ideas there are things to try out with children and even small group notes.’
Sammy Jordan, director of Hope for Every Home
Technical details
ISBN: 9781800391987
Published: July 2023
Publisher: BRF
Pages: 144