Working with mixed ages

1 August 2024

A free training video to use with your children's or youth team to explore inclusion in church groups.

If you find yourself leading a church children’s/young people group of mixed ages, you’re not alone. Many churches find themselves having to cater for a wide range of ages within one space. How can we make this time together positive for everyone’s faith journey – from the tiny child to the tween or teen?

This is a 14-minute training video that you can use with your team to initiate conversation about how your time together with a mixed age group could work best. Presented by Becky Sedgwick, it is accompanied by handouts to help you and your volunteers as you discuss this issue.

There are many ways you could use this video:

  • organise an in-person training event (perhaps over Sunday lunch after church, or one evening with pizza), show this video and use the questions on the handout to initiate discussion
  • gather your team over Zoom, show the video and discuss
  • send the video link to your team via WhatsApp or similar, ask for their thoughts
  • send the video link out, then meet up (either in person or over Zoom) to hear people’s thoughts

Watch here:

Download handouts:

  • Leader’s guide – to help you as you prepare your training event based on this video
  • Handout for team – to print off for your team members
  • Overview for leaders – some additional information and links which may be useful, especially if this topic is new to you

You might also be interested in our previous team training videos: