Conversation starters for Sunday groups

8 July 2024

We don't just want kids to learn a bible story - we want to help them explore it and see how the truths it contains affects their lives.

When we start chatting to kids about the stories or bible passages they hear, we can help them dig deeper into it and work out what difference it makes to their everyday lives.

Here are some conversation starters you can use with any age. Don’t forget to join in the conversation too. When we hear each other’s ideas and experiences, it widens our knowledge of God and helps us see his relevance in our everyday lives.

These conversation starters are not really about getting the ‘right’ answer. If you do hear an answer that you feel is wrong or needs correcting, keep your reply light and encourage further conversation: for example, something like: ‘That’s interesting! Tell me more … / ‘When I read the bible this is what I notice …’ / ‘I was taught this, I wonder if that makes sense … what do you think?’ / ‘Hmmm, I’m not sure … what do other people think?’

Conversation starters to dig deeper into a story

These questions help bring the story alive and help kids dig deeper into the story.

  • Who do you think is the most important person in this story? Why?
  • If you’d been (in the tabernacle / in the wilderness / on the boat) what would you have been doing? Why?
  • Why do you think Daniel prayed when he knew it would be so dangerous?
  • Is there anything about this story you don’t understand or don’t like?
  • What’s your favourite bit of the story? Why?
  • If you had to tell someone this story in just two sentences, what would you say?
  • What three words would you use to describe this story? Does this story remind you of any others in the bible?

Conversation starters to explore who God is in the story

God’s role isn’t always obvious in bible stories. These questions help kids think about his role and relate it to what they already know of God. For more about framing God’s role in bible stories, see this article.

  • What do you think God was doing / feeling / thinking as (Jesus was healing the lepers / Stephen was stoned / Jesus was lifted onto the cross / Moses walked in to see Pharaoh)
  • Why do you think God wanted this story in the bible?
  • Do you think that God could still (heal / stop a river / write on a wall) today?
  • What did you notice about God in this story?
  • What name would you give God in this story?

Conversation starters to relate the story to our lives

If we can help kids relate the story to their everyday lives, we are helping them to see how God is relevant to them today.

  • Tell me about a time when you were scared / lost / angry? What did you do? What did God do?
  • Have you ever felt like Hannah / Judas / Mary?
  • What do you think is the most important part of this story? Why?
  • What’s one thing you’d always like to remember from this story?
  • Has God ever been like this for you?
  • If you were in the story, who would you be? Why?


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