Capturing the old year
11 January 2021
So often New Year is a time when we look forward.
But – particularly in a tough year like 2020 – there’s immense value in looking back over the year and seeing where God was in it. In the first podcast of 2021, Rachel makes some suggestions for how we can do that well.
These are the questions Rachel suggested you might want to consider:
- What is the journey your kid was on spiritually this year?
- What surprised you about your spiritual journey or your kid’s spiritual journey?
- What worried you?
- Where did you see God in action – in your life, in your kid’s life, in your family’s life, in your community?
- What are you grateful for in your child’s character?
- How did God use your child in your life?
- What is your most precious moment with God this year?
- What is your most precious moment with God and your child or family this year?
- If your child has drifted away from God: Where were you God as my kid drifted? Can you remind me of when my kid did think of you or connected with something of you?
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