The Parenting for Faith podcast

The Parenting for Faith podcast is here to equip you, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, to help the children and teens in your life to meet and know God. A new episode is released every Tuesday in term time. Each episode lasts 20 – 30 mins and features a guest talking to host Anna Hawken, about a relevant Christian parenting topic and how to apply the key tools of Parenting for Faith to it.

If you’d like to send a question for us to answer or if you have a story to share, you can record it below. Start your message by letting us know who you are and where you’re from but please don’t include names or any identifying personal details of any children or young people. Please note by recording your message you give us permission to use it on the Parenting for Faith podcast. If you’d prefer to email your question you can send it to Look forward to hearing from you.

How to get the podcast

The Parenting for Faith podcast

Subscribe to the podcast

There are several ways to subscribe to the podcast.

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Whether or not you subscribe to the podcast, you can listen to episodes on SoundCloud through your web browser.

You can also receive email notifications about recent episodes through the Parenting for Faith newsletter.

  • If you already receive the newsletter, click ‘update your preferences’ on any email you’ve received.
  • If you don’t currently receive the newsletter, do sign up.

Podcast FAQs

What’s in the podcast?

Each episode is 20 to 30 minutes long and includes:

  • The latest info about new events and resources from Parenting for Faith.
  • Interviews with a wide variety of guests including experts on particular topics and normal parents and carers talking about what this looks like for them.
  • A question to ask your child to spark an interesting conversation.

But what is a podcast?

A podcast is like a radio show that you can listen to on demand. New episodes can be sent automatically to your phone or email, and you can listen when you have time.

How can I listen to it?

There are lots of different ways to subscribe to the podcast. You can also listen to all of the episodes through your web browser via the SoundCloud website.

Here’s a list of different devices and how you could receive the podcast: