
Have your family or your kids been to a camp, festival or event this summer? Online or in person? These can be amazing times for our children and teens to meet with God and grow in confidence. We want to support you to build on that momentum once they’re back at home.

Here are some free resources to help you as you figure out what this looks like in your family back in the normal, everyday bits of life.

Sign up to Parenting for Faith emails

We send out specific resources and updates based on your preferences so that you can keep up to date with everything happening at Parenting for Faith. We’ve got a new resource coming out just for those signed up to our emails, so don’t miss out!

Sign up now

Our gifts to you…

ways to start a conversation

101 ways to start a conversation with God

Sometimes, it’s helpful to have some ideas of things to help you start chatting and catching with God, so here are 101 for you. This free, downloadable resource is for you to use however works for your family or church –  use what’s helpful and ignore anything that’s not.

Download this resource

Podcast x

A bonus podcast episode

This bonus podcast episode gets practical about the days and weeks after a Christian camp or event and will give you ideas for how to build on what happened there.

If you like it, why not subscribe to our weekly podcast for parents and carers. If you prefer to read rather than listen, head here.


postcards image

Downloadable postcards

We’ve also got four postcards that give short, helpful pointers to tackling the following topics:

You can download these, print them out and stick them on the fridge or save them onto your phone, to refer to next time a question or topic pops up.


key tools

5 Key Tools

So often, we want to help our child or teen connect with God but we’re not sure how to do it. These tools will equip you with things to try to figure out what that might look like in your family.

Each tool has a one minute video with an example, ideas of how to use it and answers to common questions. If you want to learn more about these, you can also watch the Parenting for Faith course videos or check out Rachel Turner’s books.