
The Parenting for Faith course is available with Dutch subtitles.

Based on the book Parenting Children for a Life of Faith, the Parenting for Faith course is a video-based resource for churches and communities that can be downloaded or live-streamed, and is free to download and use.

The goal of the course is to help parents and carers, and anyone who influences the life of children and teens, discover that they are perfectly positioned to show their children the reality of a life with God. It equips parents and carers with practical tools and skills to help them empower their children – of any age – to have their own vibrant two-way relationship with God.

The course is often run in a church or small group, but can be used by individuals as well. It can be used with parents, carers, godparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, foster parents, children’s and youth leaders, church leaders and family friends – in fact, anyone who wants to support children and teens in their spiritual development.

There are free handbooks (in English) for both course leaders and participants available to download here https://www.parentingforfaith.brf.org.uk/course-downloads/

Parenting for Faith offers ongoing prayer and practical support to course leaders, so if you would like to register a course please use this link here https://www.parentingforfaith.brf.org.uk/register-your-course/

Accessing the course

  1. In a new window, open this page, create a free user account and log in.
  2. Navigate back to this page, refresh the screen, and a new form should appear below this text.
  3. Complete this form to download the course videos, and await an email with a link to the Parenting for Faith course on Vimeo.

Any issues accessing the Dutch subtitles? Contact us.

If no form is showing, please log in or create an account.