Different ways to run the course

Churches use the Parenting for Faith courses in all sorts of different ways. Below are some examples of how people have run the original Parenting for Faith course . We also have ideas to help you run a course online.

Bite-sized video intros

If time is short or people are wary of committing to eight sessions, you can introduce the idea of the Key Tools over five or six videos instead.

Read Gemma’s Story

Watch in advance

Particularly, if you will have the children with you in the sessions, it can be easier to watch the videos in advance and come together to discuss. Reach Rachel’s story to see what this looked like in their parents’ life group.

Read Rachel’s Story

Parent-led homegroup

This is a great way of getting parents to take ownership of the course and to create a community to share and learn together. Elise shares from the perspective of church staff, and Matt and Anna share as parents who set a short-term group up.

Read Elise’s story    Read Matt and Anna’s story

Multiple 0ptions course

This is a good option if you want a large number of people to access the course at the same time or if you have several people willing to be leaders. Read Anna’s story for an example of a church in a busy commuter town which repeated sessions three times to allow for babysitting and different working patterns. Read Beth’s story to discover how running the session twice on the same day allowed different people to attend.

Read Anna’s story      Read Beth’s story

Two Saturday mornings

If your church has a very full calendar with lots of events and courses you may find it easier to devote two mornings to the course, instead of finding eight evenings. This church also provided childcare to allow couples to attend together and help single parents.

Read Elaine’s story

Eight-week evening course

Probably the most popular way to run the course, this encourages people to commit time weekly to exploring Parenting for Faith with others. Naomi’s church chose to run it over eight consecutive weeks whereas Sharon’s church decided fortnightly would work best for their parents and carers.

Read Naomi’s story    Read Sharon’s story

Sunday mealtimes

For families with lots on during the week, making the course part of mealtime on a Sunday can help families attend. Read James’ story for a lunchtime option or Ruth’s story for a version on Sunday teatime.

Read Ruth’s story

Read James’s story

Monthly family cafe

This church has made the course bite-size by having a monthly cafe where whole families learn a Parenting for Faith tool and then have opportunities to explore it together. This is a great option if you have lots of parents who have already done the course and just need something to jog their memories. It is also an excellent way to help families get to know each other better.

Read Jennifer’s story


With thanks to St Paul’s Church, St Albans; St Mark’s, Battersea Rise; Network Vineyard, Reading; Cirencester Baptist Church and The Lantern Church for images of their buildings and Rachel Ridler for image from her group. Image for Nourish Family Cafe via canva.com