Book Babies and Toddler Zoom Course
Who is it for?
Anyone with under fives in their life, who would like to help them grow spiritually. You don’t need to be a parent to join – anyone who has an interest in helping under fives meet and know God is welcome, including foster carers, grandparents, godparents, children and family leaders, church leaders and family friends. The course doesn’t make any assumptions about where you are in your faith journey so you are really welcome if you are new to faith or just exploring yourself too.
It might work well for you if:
- babysitting, naps, work, travel or personal circumstances make going out to a course in the evening tricky
- you don’t know many other people with little ones near you and like to learn by sharing and discussing with others
- you’ve done this or one of the Parenting for Faith courses before and would like a refresher
- you are considering running one of the Parenting for Faith courses and want to try it out yourself first
- you work or volunteer with under fives or their families
How much time will it take?
It is a four week course. Each session will be about an hour and takes place on Wednesday afternoons at 1.30pm. There will be ideas of things to try during the week but this is entirely optional. There is nothing for leaders to prepare.
When and where is it?
It starts on Wednesday 4 June from 1.15pm and takes place on Zoom so you can join from your home or church. It is four weeks long, meeting the same day and time for all four weeks in June.
Is it okay if my kids are with me?
Absolutely. They are very welcome. Please turn your camera off if you would prefer people to not be able to see your children. Work colleagues, pets and delivery people are also fine to be in the background!
Where can I find support materials?
Church/group leaders, you can download a free leaders’ guide if you want to know what’s coming and get a sneak preview of the discussion questions. Each week we’ll provide everyone with a one-page takeaway sheet with some things to reflect on or discuss, ideas of things to try and next steps if you want to take it further. We’d also recommend buying Babies and Toddlers: Nurturing your child’s spiritual life by Rachel Turner which the course is based on, we offer multipack discounts.
What does it cost?
£40 per church/group, however many people attend, or £15 per individual/couple.
How do I book?
Using the form above.
I can’t do Wednesdays at 1.30pm. I’d like to do it at another time.
If you’d like to host your own Parenting for Faith course , we have help and information on how to do this as an online course here. The babies and toddlers course videos are also all free on our website so you can watch on your own, with a partner or friend or a small group at a time that suits you. You’ll also find information there about running a course for a group in person.
I have another question that’s not answered here.
Contact us, we’d love to help.