Bite-size babies and toddlers course
Here are five short videos about nurturing your baby or toddler’s spiritual life. You can watch them on your own, with a partner or friend or in a group.
Getting going
This video starts unpacking what it means to nurture our little one’s spiritual development, why we might want to do that and why we’re better at it than the church is!
Keeping it real
This video explores how we might be feeling about helping our child meet and know God and some simple, easy ways that it can become part of our day-to-day life with them.
Connection and communication
This video suggests some ideas to help our babies and toddlers connect and communicate with God.
Bible stories and bedtimes
This video looks at ways to read Bible stories and how to help our littles ones feel connected to us and to God at bedtime.
Chatting to God
This video explores prayer and how you and your little one can chat to God throughout the day.
For leaders
If you run a baby, toddler or pregnancy group or if you are just thinking of gathering a few other parents to watch these together, you might want to download our guide with ideas of how to run a session (in person or online) and some suggestions of things to chat about and other things to do in a session. We also have a request form below to download the videos so you can watch them offline.
You might also want to watch a short seminar Anna Hawken gave at our launch event for the babies and toddlers resources in February 2021, where she talks about how to use these sessions with groups and how to create an online or in person session.
Finally, please don’t forget to register your course with us!
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Diverse group of babies by Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro