Olly and Helen Goldenberg
After over 20 years of working with children, Olly and Helen have seen many children used powerfully by God. They have seen children in revival worshipping God for an hour at a time, spending hours in prayer to Him. But it has not stopped there. They have gone on to lead changed lives in their school, leading their friends to Jesus, praying for the sick and seeing them healed and even preaching the Gospel to around 100 of their school mates at a time. Olly has authored 15 books, which include ‘Gods Generals for Kids’, ‘The Josiah Generation’ and ‘Give Me 5’. Helen has authored the 5 star rated book ‘Jesus your baby and you – A guide to trusting God during your Pregnancy’
Olly and Helen have trained thousands of children’s leaders spoke to many Conferences and churches,TV and radio in different nations to help share that children can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.
Their vision is to help revive children and young people’s ministries in the nations, seeing the next generation of disciples rise up by:
1. Teaching churches the role of children in the body of Christ
2. Modelling children’s & youth ministry to leaders
3. Equipping leaders to make disciples.
For Children can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.
(Philippians 4:13)
Email: info@childrencan.co.uk