This is one of three baptism and dedication preparation videos to give you some ideas of how to introduce faith at home. This video explores how we can use music to involve God in our life and in our child’s life. You can watch it at home on your own or with your partner, or with the church leader who will be taking the service.
Ideas of things to try
- Take your child to church or to a church toddler group with a singing time. Engage however you want – join in with the words if you know them. Sing them out or whisper them to your baby as you smile and make eye contact with them. Tell them which words stood out to you.
- Music isn’t just for church and church groups – take some of those songs and start introducing them at home. You could sing or play a song as a wind down to naptime or bedtime. Or stick some music on whilst you’re taking them to childcare, playing with them or doing housework.
- Try out different styles and types of music to find what you and your baby like best. We have a couple of playlists with a range of different styles for you to try – a calm one and an upbeat one (scroll down to the bottom of this page). They won’t all be to your taste so why not make your own playlist as you discover what you like.
- Some different types of songs and music that you might like to explore….
- Songs that put the words of the Bible to music.
- Simple, repetitive songs like nursery rhymes
- Music without words
- Songs that share about who God is and what he does
- Songs that share how we feel about God
- Music is amazing at changing the atmosphere. So if you’re having a tough day then stick some music on.
Questions to think or chat about
- What sort of music do you like and why? What sort of music does your baby like? Have you tried playing them what you like?
- Does music help you feel connected to God?
- Which of the different types of songs and music mentioned do you feel most drawn to?
What next?
- If this is something that you’d like to explore more. You could ask the church you’re going to if they have a list, playlist or songbook that they use, so that you help introduce your little one to the songs from church at home.
- The ‘keeping it real’ video shares some other ways to help you and your baby connect with God at home.
Calm Playlist
Upbeat Playlist
For church leaders
If you’re a church leader, head to the baptism and dedication preparation page to download a leaders’ guide and request a link that allows you to download the videos to watch offline.
Family with baby at Christening by Kzenon via Canva Pro