Parenting for Faith Original Course Online 2025

Would you like to help your children have a vibrant, two-way relationship with God?

This Spring, we are delighted to be running eight online Parenting for Faith sessions. Come and get equipped with five Key Tools that you can use in everyday life, to help you nurture your children’s faith.

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Based on the book Parenting Children for a Life of Faith by Rachel Turner, the course will help parents and carers discover that they are perfectly positioned to show their children the reality of a life with God.

There will be breakout rooms throughout the session so we can get to know each other better and explore what parenting for faith looks like in our own unique contexts.


When will these sessions take place?

Each session will run on a Thursday evening from 8-9pm on Zoom (call open from 7.45pm). The dates are 6, 13, 20 and 27 March, the 3 and 24 April, and the 1 and 8 May.

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Who are these sessions for?

The sessions are suitable for anyone with children or teenagers in their life.

All parents and carers are welcome including grandparents, godparents and extended family.

We also welcome children’s, youth and family leaders and volunteers, whether you want to learn the tools to use in your children’s groups or are thinking about running this course for your church or community and want to try it out.


Who will be leading them?

They will be hosted by Lauren Sheath and Iain Nash who have years of experience in children’s ministry and as part of the Parenting for Faith speaking team, using video teaching from Rachel Turner and small group discussion.


How do I sign up?

Get together a group from church or  of friends and secure your space by booking here. We will give you the Zoom code so you can invite as many people as you like from your group or church to join you. We also don’t need to know who is coming in advance so you can keep inviting people. You can either meet physically, online or a combination – we will support you doing either.

For the small group times, you will have a breakout room specifically for your church or group.

Cost: £80 per church/group (unlimited families)


Can our church have more than one breakout room and does it cost more?

Yes you can – and no, it doesn’t cost more. You can decide how many breakout rooms you’d like and we’ll set them up for you. You can have as many as you want but you’ll need to provide leaders/facilitators for each. We suggest no more than eight screens per room, so if you’re likely to go over this let us know and we’ll create another breakout room for you.

Has the Parenting for Faith course material been adapted for Zoom?

The videos are exactly the same as you’ll find here, but the group activities and reflections are adapted for Zoom.

What’s the ratio of content to discussion time?

It does vary a little from week to week, but every one hour session will include a 30-minute video (watched in two or three instalments). In terms of discussion time, there’s usually a 5-10 minute reflection/group activity plus around 20 minutes further discussion, which is sometimes broken into two sections.

Will we have access to the content in advance and will we be able to share it with our groups?

You can watch/download all the videos in advance as they’re available on our site right here. You can also download or buy the participant’s handbooks if you wish. These are available here.

Our church doesn’t have a debit card. Can we pay via bank transfer/BACS?

Yes. Our supporter services team here at BRF can raise an invoice for you to pay via BACS (bank transfer). Just give them a call on 01865 319700 or email them at and they’ll be happy to help.


If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

To keep in touch with this and future courses, follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or sign up for emails.